Monday, March 22, 2010

{Milestones of Emotions}

So it's been almost six months since I went through the life changing experience of becoming a new Mom. Six months, really? It's amazing how fast time flies but during the moment it doesn't feel that fast. I look back at videos and pictures I've taken of Elora in the past 6 months and I am in awe in how much she's grown, changed, and developed. I feel so blessed to be able to witness everything with her thus far. Sure, it was rough in the beginning. From nursing obstacles, hormonal changes, becoming a new Mom that has never changed a diaper in her life, to figuring out how to balance my relationship with Brandon as parents and trying to work on losing the baby weight I gained during pregnancy. Roller coaster of emotions, indeed. But like with everything in life, it has it's ups and downs. Definitely more UPS. 

As parents, I don't think anyone is ever an "expert" at it. I think you learn new things everyday whether your child is 6 months, 6 years, or 16 years old. Even me being 24, I think my parents still learn new things about being parents. Especially now that they are Grandparents. Grandparents are the legacy of the family. I can only imagine (until my time comes) how it feels to be a Grandparent. I know that my Mom & Dad LOVE spending time with Elora and I love seeing them with her, especially my Dad. Talk about a man's unsung moment. I have seen my Dad change since becoming a Grandpa. He's so sweet with Elora and when he plays with her, it truly warms my heart. I believe Brandon and I have given a gift to our parents. Nothing beats a Grandparents' love. 


If I could give advice to any new Mom or Mom-to-be it would be to always follow your heart. If you feel like something isn't right, say something or do something. Stand up for what you believe is right. Your child/children are depending on you to make the best choice for them. My problem is that I care too much what other people think. I don't know why, but I do. It's something that I have to work on, especially being a new Mom. I don't need someone Else's opinion on how to raise my Daughter. I was given so much advice when people found out I was pregnant. I didn't ask, nor did I care. Brandon and I were going to do this parent thing together and learn along the way. We did our research, we aren't naive to believe everything we read. We are doing what is right for our Daughter.

Last night was the first night Elora slept in her crib. We've been co-sleeping with her since she was born and we've loved every minute of it. She's becoming more independent and we feel that she is ready to sleep on her own, in her crib. She did fabulous by the way. We put her to sleep at 9:30pm. She woke up once at 2:00am, then went back to sleep to wake up at 7am. When she woke up this morning, she laid there playing and talking to herself. I had to get a video of it to document this milestone in not only Elora's life, but ours too! I have to admit, I missed sleeping by her. But when I saw her this morning, I picked her up, gave her the biggest hug and just held her for a moment and told her how much I love her. She's such a good baby and we are so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Elora is such a great baby.. its funny how shes growing and sleeping on her own now. Who whoulda thought she would be so independent?!

    I miss you 2

